Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What did I say?

I just had to tell this-Names have been left out to protect the computer illiterate...

I responded to a earnest plea for help to fire up my trusty internet and find someone a cabin to stay in for their trip to TN. We looked at several cabins and found one that looked suitable. If you know anything about cabins up there, they all have cutesy little names such as snookums hideaway, shoogie woogie and so forth. This person decided after looking at all the little thumbnails of the cabin that this was the PERFECT one, so we proceeded to write down all the info she needed to contact the lady about it. I was feeding this person the info from the screen and we were almost done when she asked,"Now the name of the cabin-it was Mouse Over Thumbnail, right? :D

After I picked myself up off the floor, I explained to her what I was laughing about...

My Baby Girl

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I wanted to see who I used to look like...

And who I look like now...(poor folks)

My, What a difference 5 years (and a number of pounds) makes! Kate Winslet would probably turn over in her grave if she only knew. Oh wait, she's not dead...Oh well...

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Erin and Alicyn were playing nicely in the sand for the longest time. Then a knock on the door brought a nice surprise-Erin had changed colors! Red as an indian she was- that's what happens when you mix red clay and water and smear it all over your body. She had to take a nice cool bath outdoors with the water hose.Even after washing, she still has a nice "tan". Oh well, at least they had fun!

Winter's Approach

I woke up this morning with the cold toes blues. Brisk fall weather is surely here and blustery cold winter weather just around the corner.(better than being in the corner-that means you did something bad). I love to decorate for the seasons, now I've got out my (fake) fall leaves and pumpkiny stuff and all the apple spice candles and plug-ins --all that good stuff. I even got industrious and bought the ingredients to make a pumpkin pie, instead of buying one this year. Do you even begin to realize how expensive spices are? You would think that the little Brazilian man had to hop on alligator heads and dodge Blackbeard to get them here to us lazy Americans who could have just GROWN them. (price of gas included)

I'm also in the process of helping to get the Fall Fun Day together, and it's making my hair a little gray. But I think everyone will have a good time. Besides those of you who WANTED A REFUND. We have something special planned for you, like a beheading or earthworm eating contest (with you being the only contestant) or something. :) (Joke. Bro. J.)

Well I gotta go-
busy, busy, busy...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Only one word....

There is one word, and one word only, that can be put inside each of the ten blanks to give ten different meanings to the sentence. The word must be added only once at a time. For example, if you put the word in the first blank, the meaning of the sentence changes. Move the same word to the second blank. Again the sentence makes sense, but now it means something different. The same thing happens with the word in any of the other blanks.

What's the word?

______ Tom ________helped______Mary's______daughter______clean______


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Jolly Goot Time

Today, Guys, guess what I got to do? I got to go to the dentist! Hooray!! I totally DISLIKE the dentist. (To the point of acting like a 2 year old about it.) At 6:59 in the morning my phone rang-it was my faithful dentist lady calling to remind me -again- about my appointment. I didn't answer. I tried to think up an acceptable excuse to not have to show up, but I couldn't. The cows were milked, plans already drawn up for the new shuttle, Hitler's dead, so there was nothing left for me to do but to call in and say I would be there @ 9:00. And I was. So, I get back there and lay down in their goofy chair and everybody is all cheerful but me. I asked the nurse if I could kick and scream and she said I could. (I wonder how she got to the position of giving out permission slips for carnality?) So, they tied me down and proceeded to start the lobotomy-oh wait, that was last time...Anyways, Dear Dr. Humphries brought out the big needle with a big grin (Dr. had the grin-not the needle) and started asking me questions. You know I've got this mouth full of stuff and so the conversation's going like this:

Doc: Soooo, how's it going with your kids?
Me: Aaargh mmph phfftt (I only have one and she's fine.)
Doc: You homeschool 3 kids right?
Me: Raaa ghoool mmm spttt (Yes I homeschool) And I stick 1 finger up on the air...
Doc's little assistant: So are you feeling okay?
Me: Yeee shho haha mmmm fooeee ( Sure, Lady, I always hover about 3 inches off the chair and groan loudly)

At this point the Doc and nurse leaves the room to laugh themselves silly and I am sitting in the chair feeling my lip and jaw get about the size of a medium to large watermelon. So, I decided to use my lifeline and call Frances. Heblo Franshes, whash up? We had a good 20 minute talk and then here comes Thing 1 and Thing 2 back from coffee break- and to make a long story short I got three fillings (I asked for apple, blueberry and peach but they just gave me this gross silver stuff) and you know what the weirdest part of all is? They want ME to pay THEM.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Call the BMVFD!!

Why I am so terrified of fire, I don't know. I just know I have this horror of anything that is on fire that should not be and I absolutely panic. Take for instance a recent happening at the Hanners Home (not to be confused with a place to dump clothes for battered women) - I was cooking supper in my stove and the conglomeration of a casserole I was cooking boiled over. I have a gas stove which makes me nervous anyways, and when I opened up the oven and saw the stuff in the bottom was on fire, I totally lost it. (I don't mean just a little spark or two, you could have roasted a couple of nice weenies on this-I'm telling you.) I barreled around the kitchen a few times (barreling around helps me think) and couldn't come up with anything to help the situation. Thankfully my husband was just pulling up in the yard, coming home from a long days work and just what the poor man needs-I jerked open the door, and in my best yelling voice yelled GET IN HERE AND DO SOMETHING-HELP IT HELP IT HELP IT! Like any good husband would do he started to shut the door, turn around and go back to work. But I wouldn't let him. I was hollerin' and squallin' (which is what southern women do best) and telling him that the house was gonna go ANY SECOND and could he PLEASE put out the inferno in the oven. He opened the door while I'm standing there wringing my hands and saying "Whatcha gonna do about it What can ya DO about it!!?, leans over and blows it out. With one puff. There was only one thing left for me to say. "Oh."

I'm not sure what my deal is with little fires like that, maybe bad dreams when I was a kid or something. This has been going on for a long time though. You want to see me MOVE- light a fire.

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